

史提夫麥昆Steve McQueen

真人實事改編,揭露1981年北愛爾蘭共和軍巴比桑茲,遭逮捕後在獄中以絕食抗議至死前6週駭人經歷…英國當代藝術家及最高榮譽泰納獎得主史提夫麥昆,首戰影壇處女作【飢餓】劇力萬鈞、豔驚坎城,勇奪金攝影機大獎。【飢餓】以極具爭議性史實題材,以及男主角麥可法斯班德為戲遽瘦幾至形銷骨毀的驚人演出,橫掃各大影展並獲多倫多影展年度新導演獎,影評及市場皆獲極大肯定,史提夫麥昆成為影壇備受矚目的明日之星。無論是影片成就及影像風格,【飢餓】堪稱一鳴驚人,2008年金馬影展「神祕場」大力推薦,史提夫麥昆定是今年影壇橫空出世的彗星。值得一提,【飢餓】導演精心將囚牢如煉獄的影像視覺化,前半段的黑獄虐囚到後半段的絕食抗爭,拍得緊扣人心、壯烈精采。雖然風靡坎城影展,並在威尼斯影展榮獲Gucci Group頒贈風雲大獎,不過部分內容極具爆炸力,限制級不是單純表列,影迷要有心理準備。本片新進榮獲英國獨立精神獎最佳影片導演劇本男主角等7項大獎提名,成為最大贏家,勢必是年度國際影壇風雲電影。

UK artist Steve McQueen, in collaboration with Irish playwright Enda Marsh, has created an extraordinary feature debut about the prison life-and-death of IRA hunger striker, Bobby Sands. Establishing the conditions of Her Majesty's Maze prison near Belfast in the early 80s, the first movement powerfully pushes into abstraction, with McQueen approaching the prison cells as installation sites for articulating the human body as both weapon and battleground in a series of intense and violent clashes between the wardens and prisoners. In a bold narrative choice, Sands only emerges as a character towards the end of this section, and is brought into sharp relief in a punchy philosophical exchange with a Catholic priest, dissecting the political and religious implications of his decision to starve himself.


A Christmas Tale
阿諾戴普勒尚Arnaud Desplechin
法 France│2008│35mm│Color│150min


Abel and Junon had two children, Joseph and Elizabeth. Victim of a rare genetic condition, Joseph’s only hope was a bone marrow transplant. As the y and Elizabeth were incompatible, his parents conceived a third child in the hope of saving their son. But little Henri too was unable to help his brother , and Joseph died at the age of seven .The Vuillard family has never recovered. Many years have passed, and family relationships are more strained than cynical drop out who divides his time between women and drink. After a violent argument, Elizabeth banishes her feckless brother, cutting him off from his nephew, her son Paul- a tortured adolescent beset by serious mental problems.



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